Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kulturspiegel Februar 12, 2012 Interview mit Porzellanmalerin Anne Coerdt mit Wort zum Sonntag und mit Opernbesprechung Sarasotas Carmen

Porzellanmalerei von Anne Coerdt

Liebe Hörer und Leser des Kulturspiegels,
In unserer heutigen Sendung stellen wir Ihnen die Porzellanmalerin Anne Coerdt vor. Sie erklärt Ihnen ihre Malerei und ihre Motive - 

                                                                      Porzellanmalerei von Anne Coerdt

Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle koennen Sie unter als live streaming oder news on demand hoeren.


German American Society Florida:

                         Susanne Nielsen carries the Flag of baden Wuertenberg wearing a Black Forest Tracht
                          Heritage Day 2012: March 25th!

The 20th Heritage Day event of the United German-American Society of Florida will take place on Sunday, March 25, 2012, at the Wyndham Resort in Orlando. Doors will open at 11:00 a.m. with the event ending at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served starting at 11:30; the planned entertainment, including the Parade of Flags will commence at 1 p.m. Manny Daum & Co and Alex Meixner will provide the musical entertainment for your dancing pleasure.

The Florida Schuhplattler groups will also present individual and combined dances.

Various vendors will be on hand with items from Germany and other European countries. The admittance ticket will be the key to someone winning two free tickets to Germany provided by AIR BERLIN, one of our generous sponsors of our many past Heritage Day events.

Come out and enjoy German Gemuetlichkeit, food and camaraderie.

If you would like to join our list of sponsors, event advertisers and vendors to promote your company and/or products please go to for further details.

For tickets and information contact: Charlotte Kappel, 813-634-6662 or on email at

The German American Social Club of New Port Richey

Having a great time at the German American Social Club
The German American Social Club of new Port Richey welcomes you to their monthly dinner dances!
Every third Wednesday of the month, mark your calendars for this festive occasion in the elegant atmosphere of the Polish Pulasky Association’s Club house on Darlington Road just off US 19 North in Holiday, Florida.

Jeden dritten Dienstag im Monat laedt Sie der German American Social Club of New Port Richey ein, mit Ihnen den nachmittag und Abend in den festlichen Raeumen der Polnischen Polaski Gesellschaftshaus zu verbringen.
Dress code varies, from festive to folklore or casual.

Doors open at 3:30 pm, Salad bar opens at 4:00 pm and dinner buffet opens at 5:00 pm with dancing beginning at 6:00 pm. There is always a live band and some wonderful raffle prizes at the end of the evening.
For reservations please call Christine Tetro at 727-938-7603. Auf Wiedersehen im Deutsch Amerikanischen Social Club von New Port Richey!
Their next event will be February 15th, Fasching (come in Costume)!
                                                   Susanne Nielsen mit Clubpraesidentin Karin Hellmann
 Feiern Sie jedes Wochenende in der German American Society Pinellas:

Eat , drink, dance and "schunkel"! Every Saturday night the German American Society rolls back the clock to a by-gone era. You'll delight to the music of a live band. Listen , sing along, and dance to favorite German and American tunes of the last century.
Doors open at 6 pm for dinner, snacks or just coffee and Kuchen. Dancing starts at 7:30 pm. There's a plentyful supply of German Beers, Wines and Schnaps at the full service bar.
Join the fun with great music, German food and drink at an authentic German Dance hall. Come for German heritage, memories, Gemuetlichkeit and friendship.
Dirndls and Lederhosen are always encouraged.
Located at 8098 66th street in Pinellas Park, north of Park Boulevard and just South of 82nd Avenue. For information google German American Society of Pinellas County.

President of the Cultural Center Susanne Nielsen with new President of the German American Society Pinellas Anne Boortz
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For more information visit our Facebook page „DISH Network German TV“ or call 1-888-276-2995.

Das Wort zum Sonntag
Hoeren ( und Lesen) Sie jetzt das Wort zum Sonntag gesprochen von Pastor Waldemar Meyer von der Deutschen Gemeinde der Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Temple Terrace.
                                                                                                       Pastor Meyer                                                                                                                                                            

(Die Predigt hoeren Sie ist Sie im Audiosegment dieser Sendung)
Ganz herzlich grüße ich wieder alle Hörer (und Leser) der deutschen Gemeinde in Temple Terrace.

Ist es nicht merkwürdig, daß unser Tag für die Liebespaare für einen Heiliger genannt ist, der möglicherweise nie heiratete? Es gibt kein Hinweis, daß Valentin je Blumen oder Bonbons zu eine Geliebte gäbe. Erscheinlich der einzige Verbindung zwischen Valentin und Liebe ist, daß er seinen Herr Jesus so liebte, daß er sein Leben für Jesus gab als Märtyrer. Hat die Liebe für Gott etwas mit Liebe zwischen Mann und Frau zu tun? Was hat die Liebe Jesu mit Geschenke von Blumen und Bonbons zu tun?
Johannes heißt in seinem Evangelium, „der Junge, der Jesus besonders lieb hatte.“ In seinem Evangelium, notierte er die Wörte Jesu, „Dies ist mein Gebot: Ihr sollt einander so lieben, wie ich euch geliebt habe. Niemand liebt mehr als einer, der sein Leben für seine Freunde opfert.“ Johannes bemerkt die Verbindung zwischen die Leiden Jesu auf dem Kreuz und die Fürsorge, die wir einem Kind geben, das von seinem Fahrrad gefallen ist. Johannes beschreibt eine Verbindung zwischen Christus, allein auf dem Kreuz nach seine Jünger geflohen sind, und unser Besuch zu jemanden wegen Krankheit in ihrem Haus gebunden. Johannes sieht eine Verbindung zwischen den Durst Jesu auf dem Kreuz und unsere Gaben, den Armen zu helfen.

                                                                      Porzellanmalerei von Anne Coerdt

In unserer heutigen Sendung hoeren ein Interview mit der deutschen Porzellanmalerin und Aquarelistin Anne Coerdt, die uns durch Ihr Atelier und in die Technik der Pozellanmalerei fuehren wird.
Seit vielen Jahren ist sie in Ihrem Atelier in Moerlenbach im Odenwald (bei Heidelberg) mit den schoensten Motiven beschaeftigt, und lehrt andere das Porzellanmalen. Man findet Anne Coerdt auf Kunstmaerkten in verschiedenen deutschen Staedten, ich selber habe mit ihr 1984 zusammen in Heidelberg ausgestellt, damals Seidenmalerei zusammen mit Anne Coerdts Porzellanmalerei.
Anne Coerdt lebte eine zeitlang in Norwegen, wo sie mit dieser alten Kunst erste Erfahrungen sammelte und gute Lehrer fand. Unser Interview entstand vor einigen Jahren,sodass man sich am besten bei der Kuenstlerin selbst nach den neusten kursen und Standorten erkundigen kann. Schreiben Sie an uns unter und wir leiten Ihre fragen an die Kuenstlerin weiter. Sagen Sie uns wie die Sendung Ihnen gefallen hat und senden Sie uns gerne weitere Anregungen. Wir bedanken uns fuer Ihr Interesse und wuenschen Ihnen eine gute Woche.

Ab dem 9.Februar ist nahe Tampa die State Fair, deren Besuch Sie auch mit den schon seit Pioniertagen ausgetragenen vielen landwirtschaftlich und kunsthandwerklichen Wettbewerben. Vom besten Pie bis zur besten Kuh, bis hin zur besten Holzschnitzerei, alles sehen Sie auf der State Fair, wo natuerlich die meisten vor allem auf die Kirmis wollen. Pioneer Village lohnt auch den besuch.

Das Museum of Fine Arts in St. petersburg zeigt die genfer Sammlung Aegyptischer Kunst, das Museum ist taeglich geoeffnet.

In einer Woche beginnt das Tampa Renaissancefest, das einen Monat u.a. auch einen Deutschen Tag oder zwei bieten wird. Die Fans des Spaetmittelalters bzw der Renaissance  koennen auf das Gelaende an der Fowler Avenue in Tampa im Kostuem oder ganz wie man moechte kommen.

Zum Tag der Liebe gibt es zwei Filme, die das Thema anschneiden, Vow ist die herzzerreissende Liebesgeschichte eines Mannes der seine junge frau an Amnesie verliert und nun zurueckgewinnen will. The War is On zeigt Reese Witherspoon als frau, die von zwei Maennern erobert werden soll, nur dass die herren zu allen mitteln greiffen, denn sie sind darin geuebt, Geheimdienst ist ihr Metier.

Denzel Washington brilliert mit dem Actiondrama Safehouse. Tolle Actionszenen, recht brutal, aber packend. Sehenswert.

Michael Cane und The Rock hatten sicher Spass, den Film Journey 2: Enchanted Island zu drehen, man muss sich fallenlassen aus jeglicher Realitaet und plausibilitaet. Es erinnert an die Scifi Filme meiner Kindheit in den USA und an die kleinen Episoden, die immer den grossen Filmen vorrausgingen, nicht glauben, aber Spass haben.

 Porzellan ist schon viele Jahrhunderte eine Beschaeftigung im privaten und oeffentlichen breich, Manufakturen, wie in Ludwigsburg sind ueberall.
Porzellan wird seit Jahrhunderten gemalt, hier ein Porzellanpferd im Ludwigsburger Schlossmanufaktur
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And don't forget to tell them the German Radio Show sent you and save 50% off exchange fees!

Mal wieder Zeit, Ihre deutschen Waren aufzustocken?
Dann nichts wie hin zur German Deli in Largo.
Dort bekommen Sie frischgemachte deutsche Wurstwaren,
Fleischsalat, Kartoffesalat, und vieles mehr aus eigener Herstellung,
gefrorene hausgemachte Gerichte wie Kartoffel-oder Gulaschsuppe,
Roulladen, Sauerbraten und vieles mehr!
Verschiedene Sorten frisches knusprige Brot, Brötchen
und allerlei Kuchen: Bienenstich,Pflaumen, Mohn-, Apfelkuchen und
zur Kroenung: Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte.
Fuellen Sie den Einkaufskorb mit Deutschen Getraenken,
Zeitschriften, sowie ausgewaehlte Esswaren aus ganz Europa.
Jeden Freitag und Samstag warmer Leberkaese, Brezeln, Laugenbroetchen und –stangen.

The German Deli in Largo, 1995 East Bay Drive, zwischen Highland Avenue und Keene Road, Dienstag bis Freitags 10 bis 17 uhr ,
samstags jetzt 10 bis 16 uhr. Und ab sofort gibts an huebschen Tischen ab 11uhr lunch!, your German butchery and deli in Largo!

Bill's Minute in German Cultural History


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Liebe (DISH) Freunde,
Wir heissen “My German TV” willkommen! Der neue Kanal auf DISH Network bringt was deutsche Fernsehunterhaltung seit Jahrzehnten wirklich ausmacht! Von Tatort und Kommissar Rex, Um Himmels Willen und Helicops – um nur einige unserer Top-Serien zu nennen – bis hin zu den neuesten Event-Movies, romantischen Filmen (die jedes Herz zum Schmelzen bringen) und internationale renommierte Blockbuster wie Lila Lila, Die letzten Tage der Swissair, Dresden und Das Wunder von Bern. „My German TV“: Action und Liebe, Spass und Spannung fuer Jung und Alt. Exklusiv nur bei DISH Network!
Fuer weiter informationen besuchen Sie unsere Facebook Seite „DISH Network German TV“ oder rufen Sie uns auf der folgenden Nummer an: 1-888-276-DISH.



CarmenMusic by Georges Bizet
Sung in French with English supertitles
11 Performances: February 11, 14, 19m, 22, 24, March 4m, 8, 11, 16, 20, 24
The 2012 Winter Opera Festival opens on February 11, 2012 with the opéra-comique version of Bizet’s fiery Carmen with the original spoken dialogue. Opera’s most famous femme fatale, Carmen tells the electrifying story of the free-spirited gypsy and how she uses the love of an entranced soldier for her own gain resulting in jealousy and murder. Known for her “velvety timbre” and “magnificent presence, both as a singer and as an actress”, Mezzo-Soprano Fredrika Brillembourg will make her Sarasota Opera debut in the title role. Not seen in Sarasota since 1995, tenor Antonio Nagore will return to the Sarasota Opera stage as the obsessive, love stricken Don José. Danielle Walker, last heard as Don Elvira in last Season’s Don Giovanni, sings Micaëla and Carlos Monzón portrays the toreador Escamillo. Carmen will be performed in French with English supertitles and will run for 11 performances from February 11 through March 24, 2012

Lucia di LammermoorMusic by Gaetano Donizetti
Sung in Italian with English supertitles
9 Performances: February 18, 21, 23, 26m, March 2, 7, 9m, 17m, 23
Deceit leads to murder which leads to madness in Donizetti’s musically and dramatically exhilarating masterpiece Lucia di Lammermoor. Rising opera star, Soprano Kathleen Kim, returns to Sarasota Opera to make her role debut as Lucia. Ms. Kim was an Apprentice Artist at Sarasota Opera in 2002 and returned as a Studio Artist in 2005. During the 2010-2011 Season, Ms. Kim appeared as Madame Mao in the Metropolitan Opera’s premiere of Nixon in China and reprised her acclaimed portrayal of Zerbinetta in Ariadne auf Naxos also at the Metropolitan Opera. In addition, Ms. Kim’s 2010-2011 Season included appearances as The Queen of the Night from Die Zauberflöte at the Bavarian State Opera, Oscar in Un Ballo in Maschera at the Lyric Opera of Chicago and Poppea in Agrippina at the Boston Lyric Opera.
“I can’t even describe how excited I am to go back to sing my role debut of Lucia at Sarasota Opera”, says Ms. Kim. “Lucia has been one of my dream roles since I was a student. Sarasota Opera performed Lucia di Lammermoor when I was an Apprentice Artist at Sarasota Opera in 2002 and of course I sang in the chorus. I remember dreaming of singing the title role at every performance. Sarasota Opera is a very special place for me because it was my first Apprentice Artist program after graduation. During my time there I learned so much that schools can’t teach – the experience of live theater and being a performer. Because of my familiarity with the rehearsal process and the number of performances they do, I knew Sarasota Opera would be the perfect place for me to do my first Lucia. I am so glad I waited!”
Ms. Kim has been heralded by Opera News as “spectacular”, by the Chicago Sun-Times as “a revelation”, and the Chicago Tribune noted that Ms. Kim “nailed her stratospheric coloratura aria with a precise, penetrating soprano.”
Ms. Kim will be joined on stage by Lee Poulis, last seasons villainous Don Giovanni, as Lucia’s spiteful brother, Enrico. In addition, Joshua Kohl returns, seen last season as Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni, as Edgardo and Young-Bok Kim, who was Colline in last season’s La bohème, returns as Raimondo, Lucia’s tutor. Stage Director, Brian Robertson, who directed the 2005 Sarasota Opera production of Stiffelio, returns to direct and Sarasota Opera favorite Maestro Anthony Barrese will conduct. Sung in Italian with English supertitles, Lucia di Lammermoor runs from February 18 – March 24, 2012.

Music by Giuseppe Verdi
Sung in Italian with English supertitles
Sarasota Opera Premiere
7 Performances: March 3, 6, 11m, 14, 17, 22, 25m
For the first time on the Sarasota Opera stage, Maestro Victor DeRenzi, celebrating his 30th year as Artistic Director, will lead the cast and orchestra in Verdi’s masterpiece Otello which will mark Sarasota Opera’s final five years of the Verdi Cycle ending in 2016. Verdi’s tour-de-force is the tale of passionate love undermind by the vindictive scheming of Iago, Otello’s ensign, throwing Otello into a murderous rage against his innocent wife, Desdemona. Rafael Dávila will return to bring his robust and beautiful full lyric tenor voice to the stage in his portrayal of the title role, and Maria D’Amato, last season’s heartbreaking Mimi in La bohème, will portray the deceived yet endlessly faithful Desdemona. Otello will be performed in Italian with English supertitles and will run from March 3 through March 25, 2012.

Music by Samuel Barber
Sung in English with English supertitles
Sarasota Opera Premiere
March 10, 13, 15, 18m, 21, 24
**Free pre-performance introductions 45 minutes before curtain in Felding Hall
Rounding out the 2012 Winter Season will be Samuel Barber’s Vanessa as a continuation of the new American Classics series. An opera of lyrical and intense beauty, Vanessa weaves a story of lies, secrets and evasion between an aging aunt, dreaming of love’s return, and her niece Erika, who waits for love to come. Kara Shay Thomson, who brought down the house in 2009 as Tosca, returns to sing the title role. Making their Sarasota Opera debut, rising star, mezzo-soprano Audrey Babcock, will assume the role as her niece Erika and tenor Scott Piper will sing the role of Anatol, the love interest of both women. The creative team responsible for the success of last year’s production of The Crucible will return to build Vanessa from the ground up right here in Sarasota including Scenic Designer Michael Schweikardt, Costume Designer Howard Tsvi Kaplan, Lighting Designer Ken Yunker and Wigs and Make-Up Designer Georgianna Eberhard. David Neely returns to conduct and Michael Unger returns to direct. Vanessa will be sung in English with supertitles projected above the screen and will run from March 10 through March 24, 2012.
Maestro DeRenzi’s 30th Season Gala March 25, 2012
The 2011-2012 Season marks Maestro DeRenzi’s 30th season as Artistic Director of Sarasota Opera. This monumental achievement will be celebrated with a gala celebration and concert featuring Sarasota Opera Artists, Sarasota Youth Opera and the Sarasota Opera Orchestra which will close out the 2011-2012 Season. A gala dinner will begin at 5pm in the Peterson Great Room of the Sarasota Opera House followed by Maestro’s 30th Season Concert at 7pm. Dessert and tributes will resume in the Peterson Great Room following the concert.

Based in Florida’s beautiful Gulf Coast, Sarasota Opera is approaching its 53rd consecutive season. In 1960, the company began presenting chamber-sized repertoire in the historic 320-seat Asolo Theater on the grounds of Sarasota’s Ringling Museum of Art. Recognizing the need for a theater more conducive to opera, the company purchased the former A.B. Edwards Theater in downtown Sarasota in 1979 and first performing in it in 1984 as the Sarasota Opera House. The theater has just undergone a $20-million renovation and rehabilitation enhancing audience amenities, while updating the technical facilities including increasing the size of the orchestra pit. The theater, which reopened in March 2008, has been called “one of America’s finest venues for opera” by Musical America.

Since 1983 the company has been under the artistic leadership of Victor DeRenzi. Since then the company has garnered international attention with its Masterwork Revivals Series, which presents neglected works of artistic merit, as well as the Verdi Cycle producing the complete works of Giuseppe Verdi. Recognizing the importance of training, Maestro DeRenzi founded the Apprentice Artist and Studio Artist programs. Sarasota Opera also maintains a commitment to education through its Invitation to Opera performances for local schools and the unique Sarasota Youth Opera program.
The 2011-2012 Season featured Puccini’s Madama Butterfly in the fall. The 2012 Winter Festival will include Bizet’s Carmen (opéra-comique version with spoken dialogue), Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Verdi’s Otello, and Barber’s Vanessa. Subscriptions are on sale by calling (941) 328-1300 or visiting the Sarasota Opera Box Office. Single tickets went on sale August 1st online ( and September 1st in the Box Office.
Sarasota Opera is sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Arts Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Programs are supported in part by an award the Tourist Development Tax through the Board of County Commissioners, the Tourist Development Council and the Sarasota County Arts Council. Additional funding is provided by the City of Sarasota and the County of Sarasota.

Florida Orchestra Masterworks Serie:

February 15: An Intimate Collaboration
The orchestra and The Studio@620 present their third season of “An Intimate Collaboration,” a series of entertaining and seriously fun happenings in our own backyard. Occurring on Wednesday evenings, each performance includes elements connected by a common theme. This night, the series continues with "Scandinavia" prior to the program featuring Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with Nielsen’s Helios Overture and Sibelius’ Symphony No. 1. It begins at 7 pm at The Studio@620. Reservations are accepted by phone at 727-895-6620, as seating is limited. Suggested donation of $10 is payable at the door.
February 17, 18 and 19: Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 – Tampa Bay Times Masterworks Series
Hailed as “a gigantic talent” by The Baltimore Sun, Valentina Lisitsa reveals the rapturous beauty and rhapsodic themes of one of the most popular of all romantic concertos, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. a night with Nielsen’s Helios Overture and Sibelius’ Symphony No. 1. Conducted by Stefan Sanderling.
Show times: Fri, Feb. 17 at 8pm, David A. Straz, Jr. Center for the Performing Arts, Carol Morsani Hall; Sat, Feb. 18 at 8pm, Progress Energy Center for the Arts, Mahaffey Theater; Sun, Feb. 19 at 7:30pm, Ruth Eckerd Hall
Tickets: $15, $30, $45
Tickets to all performances are on sale at 800-662-7286 and online at
Become a fan of The Florida Orchestra on Facebook at; or follow them on Twitter at

About The Florida Orchestra
Performing nearly 100 concerts annually in the tri-city area of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg, The Florida Orchestra is recognized as Tampa Bay's leading performing arts institution, one of the leading professional symphony orchestras in Florida, and one of the most vibrant orchestras in the United States. With live performances including the Tampa Bay Times Masterworks, Raymond James Pops, Coffee Concerts, Progress Energy Morning Masterworks, as well as Youth Concerts and Free Pops in the Park Concerts, The Florida Orchestra offers a vast scope of concerts each year. The mission of The Florida Orchestra is to enrich the life of the Tampa Bay area as it inspires, entertains and educates a wide and diverse audience with the unique experience of live symphonic music, ensuring that future generations will continue to enjoy this legacy that so magnificently celebrates the human spirit.

Liebe (DISH) Freunde, Wir heissen “My German TV” willkommen! Der neue Kanal auf DISH Network bringt was deutsche Fernsehunterhaltung seit Jahrzehnten wirklich ausmacht! Von Tatort und Kommissar Rex, Um Himmels Willen und Helicops – um nur einige unserer Top-Serien zu nennen – bis hin zu den neuesten Event-Movies, romantischen Filmen (die jedes Herz zum Schmelzen bringen) und internationale renommierte Blockbuster wie Lila Lila, Die letzten Tage der Swissair, Dresden und Das Wunder von Bern. „My German TV“: Action und Liebe, Spass und Spannung fuer Jung und Alt. Exklusiv nur bei DISH Network!
Fuer weiter informationen besuchen Sie unsere Facebook Seite „DISH Network German TV“ oder rufen Sie uns auf der folgenden Nummer an: 1-888-276-2995


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