Kindheit im Ausland und die Konsequenzen fuer das weitere Leben
Wiederbegegnung 2013: Susanne Nielsen and Vicky Gehring
Many years ago, Susanne Nielsen interviewed her friend Vicky Gehring about her interesting life that began with a father who traveled the world and took his wife along through a multi national career with VW. Vicky, his daughter and her brother were born in Irak, where the family lived for some years, then on the South America, then Puerto Rico and finally the US. hear about Vicky's interesting life! Though they had not seen eachother for some time Susanne and Vicky found eachother again through Rotary Youth exchange as Vicky - her own children grown up - had become host mom to one of the exchange students in 2013.
Liebe Freunde des Kulturspiegels,
Mit Vicky Gehring verband Susanne das globale Kinderleben, das beide erfahren hatten, die Karriere beider Vaeter hatte die Kinder in andere Laender mit immer nur kurzen Heimaturlauben bei den Omas und Opas in Deutschland gefuehrt. Heute bringen wir Ihnen ein Interview, in dem Vicky vor einigen Jahren schon ihren interessanten Lebensweg erzaehlt.
Man begegnete sich in Tampa Bay wieder im Sommer 2013, als Vicky und Susanne auf einer Veranstaltung zum Rotary Jugendaustausch zusammenkamen.
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Unsere Sendung hoeren Sie, indem Sie auf den weissen Pfeil auf dunklem Audiobalken klicken.
(listen to our show by clicking on the white arrow on the dark audio bar below:).
The Cultural Center invites you to lunch at the Floridan Hotel on May 17th! Make your reservations now! 813-254-5088
The Cultural Center for German Language invites you to its 2014 programs.
The Cultural Center offers monthly programs to its members, organizes events and group excursions to cultural venues such as museums, theaters with exhibitions, opera, music often paired with optional visits to European restaurants all in the spirit of sharing German, and German speaking heritage in a variety of cultural settings.
Shared events with other German-American organizations like the German American Society Pinellas, the German American Social Club of New Port Richey, the German American Society of Florida and the Richard Wagner Society and events from opera, classical concerts to the celebration of German folk culture and traditions during Mayfests, German Heritage fests and Oktoberfests may be found in the Cultural Center’s program.
The Cultural Center offers German tutoring by professional instructors. It is a German cultural and informational resource for those interested in learning and keeping fluent ones German language skills. Please contact Susanne Nielsen at 813-254-5088
All events of the Cultural Center are announced regularly on the German Radio Show, , (top left button: audio/blog). Read/hear and see a new show every Sunday, with archived shows on
Membership to the Cultural Center for German Language is 25.- Individual and 35.- for a family per year.
For information, please call President Susanne Nielsen at 813-254-5088
Floridan Palace Hotel
Das Wort zum Sonntag
Pastor Meyer in Deutschland
Das Wort zum Sonntag
Hoeren ( und Lesen) Sie jetzt das Wort zum Sonntag gesprochen von Pastor Waldemar Meyer von der Deutschen Gemeinde der Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Temple Terrace.Pastor Meyer
(Die Predigt hoeren Sie ist Sie im Audiosegment dieser Sendung)
Ganz herzlich grüße ich wieder alle Hörer (und Leser) der deutschen Gemeinde in Temple Terrace.
(Wort zum Sie es im Hoerteil unserer Sendung)
Wir laden Sie zu den deutschen Gottesdiensten in Temple Terrace ein am zweiten Sontagnachmittag des Monats um drei Uhr.
Gottes Segen, von Ihrem Pastor Waldemar Meyer
Hören und lesen Sie jeden zweiten Sonntag im Monat ein neues "Wort zum
Sonntag" von Pastor Meyer. Er lädt Sie ganz herzlich ein, jeden zweiten
Sonntag im Monat in TempleTerrace, 304 Druid Hills Road um 15:00 einen
deutschsprachigen Gottesdienst zu besuchen.
Nach dem Gottesdienst lädt Sie Pastor Meyer zu einer gemütlichen
Kaffeestunde ein. Kommen Sie zahlreich und rufen Sie Pastor Meyer jederzeit an
unter 813-988-4025 ext.102.Wer aktiv mithelfen möchte, melde sich gerne bei Pastor Meyer, 813-988-4025.
Anwalt fuer Immigration:
Christian Zeller spricht Deutsch!
Wer in die USA einwandern will, braucht kompetente Beratung!
und selbstverstaendlich einen Immigrationsanwalt ,
der IHRE Sache vertritt!
Christian Zeller , deutschsprachiger Immigrationsanwalt in Tampa Bay,
beantwortet Ihre Fragen zu der Vielzahl von Geschaefts-und anderen Visa-Moeglichkeiten.
Lassen Sie sich von Christian Zeller beraten und ueber die neuesten Bestimmungen informieren,
wenn Sie in den USA ein neues Leben beginnen wollen.
Rufen Sie ihn jederzeit bei der Rechtsanwalts-Firma Maney and Gordon P.A. an und machen Sie sofort einen Termin: 813-221-1366.
For YOUR immigration needs, please call German speaking Immigration attorney Christian Zeller, at 813-221-1366. Find him on the internet at or.
write to , find him at Maney and Gordon full-service immigration law firm in Tampa, Florida.
Cafe Vienna
Café Vienna where the food is an emperor’s delight serves the finest in Austrian-German cuisine at moderate prices!
Café Vienna where the food is an emperor’s delight serves the finest in Austrian-German cuisine at moderate prices!
The pretty restaurant’s big red sign can be seen at 5625 4th Street North in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Owners Tony, Beate and their team welcome you for lunch and dinner to the sounds of Viennese waltz. Have lunch Tuesdays through Fridays and dinner Tuesdays through Sundays.
Enjoy Wiener Schnitzel, Sauerbraten, Roulladen, Chicken Paprikash, Tafelspitz and for dessert, Beate’s famous home-made Strudl.
Café Vienna is at 5625 4th street north in St.Petersburg.
Make your reservations today, call 727-527-6404.
Fuer das Beste an deutsch-oesterreichischen Speisen reservieren Sie gleich heute Ihren Tisch bei Tony und Beate im Café Vienna auf St. Petersburgs 5625 4ter Strasse nord. 727-527-6404.
Studiogast Vicky Gehring
eine Neue Begegnung im Jugendaustausch
Susanne Nielsen and Vicky Gehring
Liebe Freunde des Kulturspiegels,
Mit Vicky Gehring verband Susanne das globale Kinderleben, das beide erfahren hatten, die Karriere beider Vaeter hatte die Kinder in andere Laender mit immer nur kurzen Heimaturlauben bei den Omas und Opas gefuehrt. Heute bringen wir Ihnen ein Interview, das vor einigen Jahren bei Vickys Besuch im Kulturspiegel entstand und in dem Vicky ihren interessanten Lebensweg schildert.
Damals war das gespraech noch mit vielen musikalischen Einlagen durchsetzt. Was geblieben ist, ist ein sehr interessanter Lebenseinblick in ein weiteres TCK ( third Culture Kid) , das im Ausland im deutschen elternhaus aufwuchs. dass frau gehring nun seit vielen Jahren in florida sesshaft geworden ist, wie auch ihr Vater, einer unserer Hoerer, macht dieses Story zu einer typisch deutsch-Amerikanischen Geschichte.
Susanne und Vicky hatten sich aus den Augen verloren, bis wieder die Arbeit anderen eine internationale Chance zu geben, durch Jugendaustausch sie zusammenbrachte.
eine Neue Begegnung im Jugendaustausch
Susanne Nielsen and Vicky Gehring
Liebe Freunde des Kulturspiegels,
Mit Vicky Gehring verband Susanne das globale Kinderleben, das beide erfahren hatten, die Karriere beider Vaeter hatte die Kinder in andere Laender mit immer nur kurzen Heimaturlauben bei den Omas und Opas gefuehrt. Heute bringen wir Ihnen ein Interview, das vor einigen Jahren bei Vickys Besuch im Kulturspiegel entstand und in dem Vicky ihren interessanten Lebensweg schildert.
Damals war das gespraech noch mit vielen musikalischen Einlagen durchsetzt. Was geblieben ist, ist ein sehr interessanter Lebenseinblick in ein weiteres TCK ( third Culture Kid) , das im Ausland im deutschen elternhaus aufwuchs. dass frau gehring nun seit vielen Jahren in florida sesshaft geworden ist, wie auch ihr Vater, einer unserer Hoerer, macht dieses Story zu einer typisch deutsch-Amerikanischen Geschichte.
Susanne und Vicky hatten sich aus den Augen verloren, bis wieder die Arbeit anderen eine internationale Chance zu geben, durch Jugendaustausch sie zusammenbrachte.
Obwohl sich ihre Wege lange nicht mehr gekreuzt hatten, gab es eine neue Begegnung als Vicky nun , nachdem die eigenen Kinder erwachsen sind, einen Austauschschueler bei sich aufgenommen hatte, Rotary Jugendaustausch ( mit dem Ziel der Foerderung des internationalen Verstaendigung hatte beide 2013 wieder zusammengefuert.
(Hoeren Sie das Interview dazu in unserem Audioteil der Sendung.)
Am Mikrofon Susanne Nielsen, die Ihnen bei unserer Unterhaltung viel Vergnuegen wuenscht.
Am Mikrofon Susanne Nielsen, die Ihnen bei unserer Unterhaltung viel Vergnuegen wuenscht.
Alfred Zerban Kommentar zum Thema:
Alfred Zerban Kommentar zum Thema:
“German - One on One”
Language and intercultural Training Services
“Sprechen Sie Deutsch?”
“German - One on One” Language and intercultural Training Services offers a variety of services , worldwide - via skype - one on one!
Would you like to improve your German?
- Communicate in German
- Understand the culture
- Conduct business negotiations
- Travel in Europe
- Make new friends
“German One on One” offers you the following services:
Language training: Assistance from native speakers and degreed college language instructors with many years of language teaching experience.
Intercultural training: certified Trainers are available to instruct in intercultural communication.
All instruction from your home or office via skype for individualized training to improve your language,
your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
for excellence in communication
in international formal business and friendly conversation settings
with German speaking Europe!
Call 813-254-5088, email us at
- In 1665, we see the birth
of Johann Cristoph Denner. in Leipzig, Germany. He was a
musical instrument
maker who invented the clarinet.
- In 1902, we see the
birth of Felix Wankel in Lahr, Germany. He is the inventor of the
Wankel engine, a
rotary design automobile engine bought and developed by Mazda.
- In 1922, we see the
birth of Rudi Gernreich in Vienna, Germany. He was a fashion
designer, whose
accomplishments included invisible undergarments, transparent
tops, miniskirts and
the unisex look.
- In 1929, the German
dirigible Graf Zeppelin, the most successful Zeppelin ever built,
around-the-world tour, commanded by Hugo Eckener.
- And in 1936,
American Jesse Owens wins his 4th gold medal at the olympic games in
This segment is sponsored by, in New Port Richey, FL
The New Season has been announced!
and added performances on screen!
Sarasota Opera expands the
"HD at the Opera House" Series
Announces complete line-up and dates for remaining HD series
Sarasota, FL - Sarasota Opera is pleased to announce the expansion of its new broadcast and film series called "HD at the Opera House". This new series is allowing Sarasota Opera to expand its programming from the fall and winter season to year-around. In addition to opera, the series will include ballet and theater from some of the world's most famous venues. All showings will occur in the William E. Schmidt Opera Theatre at the Sarasota Opera House.
"Sarasota Opera audiences are often asking for more programming,” according to Executive Director Richard Russell. "We are happy to expand our season by providing content from around the world."
HD at the Opera House
Sarasota Opera launched its new series on April 14th with Mozart's Don Giovanni and will continue with screenings of opera, ballet, and theater through October 2014.
Each presentation will be preceded by a 15 minute welcome and pre-show discussion.
There will be two showings of each production. The schedule for the remainder of the series is as follows:
Sarasota Opera Announces its 2014/2015 Season
Subscriptions Now on Sale for New Season
2014 Fall Season
Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo
The Hobbit by Dean Burry (Sarasota Youth Opera)
The Hobbit by Dean Burry (Sarasota Youth Opera)
2015 Winter Festival Season
Tosca by Giacomo Puccini
The Marriage of Figaro by W.A. Mozart
The Golden Cockerel by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov (Sarasota Opera Premiere)
The Golden Cockerel by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov (Sarasota Opera Premiere)
Don Carlos by Giuseppe Verdi (Sarasota Opera Premiere)
Florida Orchestra
DIE 2013/14 SAISON geht bis Ende Mai !
Abonnements und Informationen zur neuen im Oktober beginnenden Saison des Florida Orchesters bitte .Florida Orchestra’s Performances in April
Become a fan of The Florida Orchestra on Facebook at; or follow them on Twitter at
About The Florida Orchestra
Performing nearly 100 concerts annually in the tri-city area of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg, The Florida Orchestra is recognized as Tampa Bay's leading performing arts institution, one of the leading professional symphony orchestras in Florida, and one of the most vibrant orchestras in the United States. With live performances including the Tampa Bay Times Masterworks, Raymond James Pops, Coffee Concerts, Duke Energy Morning Masterworks, new Rock Concert series, as well as Youth Concerts and Free Pops in the Park Concerts, The Florida Orchestra offers a vast scope of concerts each year. The mission of The Florida Orchestra is to enrich the life of the Tampa Bay area as it inspires, entertains and educates a wide and diverse audience with the unique experience of live symphonic music, ensuring that future generations will continue to enjoy this legacy that so magnificently celebrates the human spirit.
The Florida Orchestra Announces Limited On-Stage Seating at Select Masterworks Concerts Kicking Off at Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 on Nov. 8, 9 & 10
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – October 22, 2013 – The Florida Orchestra (TFO) has announced that it will offer limited on-stage seating at ten of this season’s Tampa Bay Times Masterworks concerts starting with Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 on November 8, 9 and 10 in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater. Priced at $75 for on-stage seating, the number of concertgoers that can be accommodated at each performance ranges from three to ten, depending on the music being presented, as each piece requires different numbers of musicians and specific orchestra configurations on stage.
TFO Chairman Tom Farquhar said, “We are continually exploring ways to reach out to the community, make the orchestra more accessible and enhance that experience for concertgoers. We hope this new initiative will provide an opportunity for more adventuresome music lovers to see and hear a concert from our musicians’ unique perspective. The on-stage seating option will also give people a glimpse into the backstage area of what goes on just prior to a concert as well as some of the preparations musicians are making just before going on stage to perform.”
The ticket prices for reserved seats in the halls for Masterworks are $15, $30 and $45. The on-stage seating price is $75 for those who would like to be alongside the musicians, enjoy a head-on view of the conductor leading the orchestra and get a musician’s view of the concert hall.
Reservations are available by phone at 727.892.3337 or 1.800.662.7286, and at The Florida Orchestra Ticket Center located in the St. Petersburg College Building at 244 2nd Avenue North (main floor) in downtown St. Petersburg. Business hours are Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 3pm.
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