Diesen Sommer gab es wieder grosse Veraenderungen in der Natur, von Hitzewellen mit den heissesten Temperaturen, die es in Europa je gab, mit ueber 40 Grad bis zu Unwettern in den USA, die in Florida zum nassesten Juli fuehrten, mit ueber 11 inches Regenfall. Inzwischen hat die Hitzewelle mit der Luft aus der Sahara Groenland erreicht, auch dort mit Naturveraenderungen verbunden, wie Eisschmelze, wie noch nie.
Unsere Sendung moechte Sie an die Menschen erinnern, die eine solche Katastrophe miterlebten und deren Leben sich hierdurch veraenderten. Die Erzaehlungen sind aus einem Buch, das Opfer und Helfer der 2003 stattgefundenen Elbhochwasserkatastrophe als Erinnerungen aufschrieben und als Buch an andere weitergaben. Bei einem Gedenkgottesdienst der Stadt Wehlen an der Elbe begegnete ich ihnen.
Zwei Theaterbesprechungen von Susanne Nielsen:
Lesen Sie sie in unserem Blog (Wiederholung von letzter Woche)
American Stages (St. Petersburg, FL) Produktion von FUN HOME,
Jobsite Theater (Tampa, FL) Produktion von CONSTELLATIONS
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Susanne Nielsen im Studio
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Produzent Bill und Susanne
German American Society Pinellas:
Alle Mitglieder anderer Clubs kommen zum Mitgliedspreis im Sommer in diesen Club, also Feiern Sie jedes Wochenende in der German American Society Pinellas:
Eat , drink, dance and "schunkel"! Every Saturday night the German American Society rolls back the clock to a by-gone era. You'll delight to the music of a live band. Listen , sing along, and dance to favorite German and American tunes of the last century.
Doors open at 6 pm for dinner, snacks or just coffee and Kuchen. Dancing starts at 7:30 pm. There's a plentyful supply of German Beers, Wines and Schnaps at the full service bar.
Join the fun with great music, German food and drink at an authentic German Dance hall. Come for German heritage, memories, Gemütlichkeit and friendship.
Dirndls and Lederhosen are always encouraged.
Located at 8098 66th street in Pinellas Park, north of Park Boulevard and just South of 82nd Avenue. For information google German American Society of Pinellas County.
For information: www.germantampa.com
Join the fun with great music, German food and drink at an authentic German Dance hall. Come for German heritage, memories, Gemütlichkeit and friendship.
Dirndls and Lederhosen are always encouraged.
Located at 8098 66th street in Pinellas Park, north of Park Boulevard and just South of 82nd Avenue. For information google German American Society of Pinellas County.
For information: www.germantampa.com
The Cultural Center for German Language invites you to its 2019 programs.
The Cultural Center offers monthly programs to its members, organizes events and group excursions to cultural venues such as museums, theaters with exhibitions, opera, music often paired with optional visits to European restaurants all in the spirit of sharing German, and German speaking heritage in a variety of cultural settings.
Shared events with other German-American organizations like the German American Society Pinellas, the German American Social Club of New Port Richey, the German American Society of Florida and the Richard Wagner Society and events from opera, classical concerts to the celebration of German folk culture and traditions during Mayfests, German Heritage fests and Oktoberfests may be found in the Cultural Center’s program.
The Cultural Center offers German tutoring by professional instructors. It is a German cultural and informational resource for those interested in learning and keeping fluent ones German language skills. Please contact Susanne Nielsen at 813-254-5088
All events of the Cultural Center are announced regularly on the German Radio Show, www.germanradioshow.com , (top left button: audio/blog). Read/hear and see a new show every Sunday, with archived shows on www.germanradioshow.blogspot.com
Membership to the Cultural Center for German Language is 25.- Individual and 35.- for a family per year.
For information, please call President Susanne Nielsen at 813-254-5088