Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kulturspiegel, Januar 15,2012, Jahresrueckblick 2011 mit Renate Schauer

Renate Schauer mit Deutschen Zeitungen am Jahresende 2011
Liebe Freunde der Deutschen Funksendung,

Unser Thema heute ist der Jahresrueckblick auf 2011,der im Gespraech mit der Journalistin Renate Schauer entstand.
Lesen Sie den Artikel zu unserer Sendung vom 1.1.2012! (wir moechten anmerken,dass die Deutsche Funksendung von Kurt Ortmann 1965 gegruendet wurde  ( und nicht von der damals achtjaehrigen Susanne), und bitten diesen kleinen Fehler zu entschuldigen.

Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle Bonn koennen Sie stets unter als "live streaming" oder "news on demand" hoeren.

Wer dies noch nicht gelesen hat, in der Nordamerikanischen Wochenpost koennen Sie von unserer Umstellung lesen.

NOTE: Listen to the show here by clicking on the white arrow here/Hoeren Sie die Sendung hier, indem Sie den weissen Pfeil auf grauem Grund anklicken:

     The German American Social Club of New Port Richey

                                                         Having a great time at the German American Social Club
The German American Social Club of new Port Richey welcomes you to their monthly dinner dances!
Every third Wednesday of the month, mark your calendars for this festive occasion in the elegant atmosphere of the Polish Pulasky Association’s Club house on Darlington Road just off US 19 North in Holiday, Florida.

Jeden dritten Dienstag im Monat laedt Sie der German American Social Club of New Port Richey ein, mit Ihnen den nachmittag und Abend in den festlichen Raeumen der Polnischen Polaski Gesellschaftshaus zu verbringen.
Dress code varies, from festive to folklore or casual.

Doors open at 3:30 pm, Salad bar opens at 4:00 pm and dinner buffet opens at 5:00 pm with dancing beginning at 6:00 pm. There is always a live band and some wonderful raffle prizes at the end of the evening.
For reservations please call Christine Tetro at 727-938-7603. Auf Wiedersehen im Deutsch Amerikanischen Social Club von New Port Richey!
Their next event will be January 18th, a Wiener Abend (dress is semi formal)!
                                                     Susanne Nielsen mit Clubpraesidentin Karin Hellmann                  
Feiern Sie jedes Wochenende in der German American Society Pinellas:

dancing at the club every Saturday
Eat , drink, dance and "schunkel"! Every Saturday night the German American Society rolls back the clock to a by-gone era. You'll delight to the music of a live band. Listen , sing along, and dance to favorite German and American tunes of the last century.
Doors open at 6 pm for dinner, snacks or just coffee and Kuchen. Dancing starts at 7:30 pm. There's a plentyful supply of German Beers, Wines and Schnaps at the full service bar.
Join the fun with great music, German food and drink at an authentic German Dance hall. Come for German heritage, memories, Gemuetlichkeit and friendship.
Dirndls and Lederhosen are always encouraged.
Located at 8098 66th street in Pinellas Park, north of Park Boulevard and just South of 82nd Avenue. For information google German American Society of Pinellas County. (

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For more information visit our Facebook page „DISH Network German TV“ or call 1-888-276-2995.

Das Cultural Center for German Language
laedt Sie herzlich ein!
 Sonntag 22.Januar Hillsboro Comunity College, Tampa, Die Schoene Muellerin, 15:00 uhr!   
Tenoe Bryce Westervelt invites you to come be a part of his CD launch and enjoy an afternoon of music with him and pianist R Timothy McReynolds .
He hopes to see you all on the 22nd! ___________________________________________________________________  
                                     Renate Schauer mit der Jahresendpresse: koenigliche Hochzeiten und mehr
  Liebe Freunde der Deutschen Funksendung,   
 In unserer heutigen Sendung begruessen wir die Journalistin Renate Schauer, mit der ich mich zusammensetzte um gemeinsam auf das vergangene Jahr 2011 zurueckzuschauen. Besonders das internet hat uns allen sowohl nun eine weltweite Zuhoererschaft als auch einige zuvor unerkannte Einsicht in die Welt der Internetnutzung beschert, karrieren unterbrochen, und Ehrlichkeit erzwungen. Hierzu mehr in unserem Hoerteil der Sendung. Es gibt auch einen Blog, den Renate Schauer in Zusammenarbeit mit mir, Susanne Nielsen schreibt, dort koennen Sie sich ebenfalls einschreiben, wenn Sie moechten, lesen koennen Sie ihn auch so: 
<>                                              KING JEWELRY DESIGN King Jewelry Design ist Ihr Geheimtip fuer feine und idividuel gefertigte Schmuckwaren. Ein in Deutschland ausgebildeter Goldschmiedemeister garantiert fuer hervorragende Qualitaet bei der Anfertigung von Edelstein-Halsketten und Ringen in Ihrem individuellen Stil. Das Juweliergeschaeft ist seit Jahren an Tampas feinster Adresse, in der International Plaza, gleich neben Nordstroms. Lassen Sie Ihre alten Schmuckwaren umarbeiten. Geben Sie Altgold, Platin und Diamanten in Zahlung. Lassen Sie sich bezaubern von der Vielfalt und Topqualitaet, die Sie bei King Jewelry Design immer finden. Fuer sich selbst und fuer Ihre Liebsten sollten Sie stets zuerst bei King Jewelry Design vorbeischauen. Rufen Sie Gabriel oder Susan jederzeit auf Deutsch an, 813-354-5588, in der International Plaza, gleich neben Nordstrom’s . For fabulous one of a kind jewelry creations by a German trained jeweler, please visit King Jewelry Design in the International Plaza next to Nordstrom’s. Call 813-354-5588.                    

Alexej von Jawlensky und Josef Albers: Farbe - Abstraktion - Serie

Menschen im Warenhaus: Rudolf Holtappel - Fotografien von 1964 bis 1995

Der Leitgedanke der beiden Ausstellungen ist die Zusammenfuehrung von Gegensaetzen bzw. von Kuenstlern ohne eigentliche Beruehrungspunkte:

Da sind zum einen die farbintensiven Werke des aus Russland stammenden und in Wiesbaden lebenden Alexej von Jawlensky und des seit 1919 amerikanisierten Josef Albers, zum anderen die Schwarz-Weiss-Fotografien von Rudolf Holtappel - lebendige, aus dem Leben gegriffene Zeitdokumente von "Menschen im Warenhaus".

Trotz unterschiedlichster Stilrichtungen erschliessen sich dem Betrachter die kuenstlerischen Gemeinsamkeiten der beiden Maler. Insbesondere der seriale Charakter der Werke unterstreicht die Parallelen in ihrem Schaffen: Ob nun Jawlenskys "Abstrakte Koepfe", Heilandsgesichter" und "Meditationen", oder Albers´ rein abstrakte Farbflaechen-Quadrate und Violinschluessel-Gemaelde. beeindruckend ist der Facettenreichtum leuchtender Farben.

Ganz anders hingegen die schwarz-weissen Fotografien des inzwischen 88jaehrigen Rudolf Holtappel, der seine Bilder persoenlich vorstellt: Aus einer Vielzahl von Pressefotos, die waehrend seiner 30jaehrigen Taetigkeit als Fotograf fuer den Karstadt-Konzern zwischen 1964 und 1995 entstanden, wurden allein 120 Bilddokumente für die Show ausgewaehlt. Stets seien es die Menschen und ihr Verhalten in bestimmten Situationen gewesen, die seinem Interesse galten, und nicht die Ware, erklaert Holtappel, der sich zu Recht als "Zeuge des Menschlichen" bezeichnet.

So lebt sein Werk denn auch von der Qualitaet der nach Themen geordneten Fotografien, z.B. die Warenhausaufnahmen aus der Masse heraus: Die Eroeffnungssituation vor dem Sommer-Schlussverkauf wie der Run durch die Eingangstuer auf die Tische: Erst schauen, dann fühlen, dann zugreifen! oder der verstohlene Blick ins Portemonnaie: Reicht das Geld fuer den Einkauf?

Und Fotos, die zum Schmunzeln verleiten: Das Probieren von Kosmetik, Hueten und Schmuck vor dem Spiegel oder das ideenreiche Bemuehen der Verkaeuferinnen um den Kunden, der bekanntlich Koenig ist und dessen Ueberlegungen vor dem Kauf: Das Kalkulieren ist den Gesichtern anzusehen! Das Geschehen an der Kasse, auch das schnelle Essen oder Rauchen zwischen den Besorgungen.

Eine lange Bilderwand ist den Kindern im Warenhaus gewidmet, u.a. Babies in der Fotoabteilung.

auch "Testklauer" sind fuer den Fotografen unterwegs, um zu dokumentieren,  wie einfach das Stehlen im Warenhaus  funktioniert.

Diese Ausstellung zu sehen, ist ganz einfach ein grosses Vergnuegen!

In der Museums-Cafeteria erlebt man z.Zt. eine besondere Ueberraschung: Hier naemlich praesentiert der 1967 geborene Kuenstler Joerg Nittenwilm seine schwarz-weisse Wandmalerei eines Wasserwirbels, der den ganzen Raum umflutet. Das Element Wasser habe doch Wiesbadens Ruf als Kurstadt begruendet,meint der Kuenstler!

Austellungsdauer: 28.Oktober 2011 bis 5. Februar 2012,

 Anneliese Schmidt


Bill Davidson's Minute in German Cultural History             

 Franz Grillparzer born in Vienna, Austria was one of the leading dramatists of Austrian literary history.    
 Johann Schlegel   was born on January 17th 1719 in Meissen (read my-sun), Germany. The uncle of August and Friedrich Schlegel, Johann Schlegel was a dramatist and literary critic. His Comparing Shakespeare written in 1741, served to begin to make the German public aware of the true significance of Shakespeare.     
 On January 18th, 1861, Hans Goldschmidt in Berlin, Germany. Goldschmidt was a chemist who invented the Goldschmidt reduction process   which is used in welding along with other applications.    

January 18, 2005 The Airbus A380 was officially presented to buyers as the largest passenger aircraft in the world. It can carry up to 800 people.

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   Opera Tampa season continues Jan 27

                                      CarmenMusic by Georges Bizet
                                    Sung in French with English supertitles
11 Performances: February 11, 14, 19m, 22, 24, March 4m, 8, 11, 16, 20, 24

The 2012 Winter Opera Festival opens on February 11, 2012 with the opéra-comique version of Bizet’s fiery Carmen with the original spoken dialogue. Opera’s most famous femme fatale, Carmen tells the electrifying story of the free-spirited gypsy and how she uses the love of an entranced soldier for her own gain resulting in jealousy and murder. Known for her “velvety timbre” and “magnificent presence, both as a singer and as an actress”, Mezzo-Soprano Fredrika Brillembourg will make her Sarasota Opera debut in the title role. Not seen in Sarasota since 1995, tenor Antonio Nagore will return to the Sarasota Opera stage as the obsessive, love stricken Don José. Danielle Walker, last heard as Don Elvira in last Season’s Don Giovanni, sings Micaëla and Carlos Monzón portrays the toreador Escamillo. Carmen will be performed in French with English supertitles and will run for 11 performances from February 11 through March 24, 2012

Lucia di LammermoorMusic by Gaetano Donizetti
Sung in Italian with English supertitles
9 Performances: February 18, 21, 23, 26m, March 2, 7, 9m, 17m, 23
Deceit leads to murder which leads to madness in Donizetti’s musically and dramatically exhilarating masterpiece Lucia di Lammermoor. Rising opera star, Soprano Kathleen Kim, returns to Sarasota Opera to make her role debut as Lucia. Ms. Kim was an Apprentice Artist at Sarasota Opera in 2002 and returned as a Studio Artist in 2005. During the 2010-2011 Season, Ms. Kim appeared as Madame Mao in the Metropolitan Opera’s premiere of Nixon in China and reprised her acclaimed portrayal of Zerbinetta in Ariadne auf Naxos also at the Metropolitan Opera. In addition, Ms. Kim’s 2010-2011 Season included appearances as The Queen of the Night from Die Zauberflöte at the Bavarian State Opera, Oscar in Un Ballo in Maschera at the Lyric Opera of Chicago and Poppea in Agrippina at the Boston Lyric Opera.
“I can’t even describe how excited I am to go back to sing my role debut of Lucia at Sarasota Opera”, says Ms. Kim. “Lucia has been one of my dream roles since I was a student. Sarasota Opera performed Lucia di Lammermoor when I was an Apprentice Artist at Sarasota Opera in 2002 and of course I sang in the chorus. I remember dreaming of singing the title role at every performance. Sarasota Opera is a very special place for me because it was my first Apprentice Artist program after graduation. During my time there I learned so much that schools can’t teach – the experience of live theater and being a performer. Because of my familiarity with the rehearsal process and the number of performances they do, I knew Sarasota Opera would be the perfect place for me to do my first Lucia. I am so glad I waited!”
Ms. Kim has been heralded by Opera News as “spectacular”, by the Chicago Sun-Times as “a revelation”, and the Chicago Tribune noted that Ms. Kim “nailed her stratospheric coloratura aria with a precise, penetrating soprano.”
Ms. Kim will be joined on stage by Lee Poulis, last seasons villainous Don Giovanni, as Lucia’s spiteful brother, Enrico. In addition, Joshua Kohl returns, seen last season as Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni, as Edgardo and Young-Bok Kim, who was Colline in last season’s La bohème, returns as Raimondo, Lucia’s tutor. Stage Director, Brian Robertson, who directed the 2005 Sarasota Opera production of Stiffelio, returns to direct and Sarasota Opera favorite Maestro Anthony Barrese will conduct. Sung in Italian with English supertitles, Lucia di Lammermoor runs from February 18 – March 24, 2012.

Music by Giuseppe Verdi
Sung in Italian with English supertitles
Sarasota Opera Premiere
7 Performances: March 3, 6, 11m, 14, 17, 22, 25m
For the first time on the Sarasota Opera stage, Maestro Victor DeRenzi, celebrating his 30th year as Artistic Director, will lead the cast and orchestra in Verdi’s masterpiece Otello which will mark Sarasota Opera’s final five years of the Verdi Cycle ending in 2016. Verdi’s tour-de-force is the tale of passionate love undermind by the vindictive scheming of Iago, Otello’s ensign, throwing Otello into a murderous rage against his innocent wife, Desdemona. Rafael Dávila will return to bring his robust and beautiful full lyric tenor voice to the stage in his portrayal of the title role, and Maria D’Amato, last season’s heartbreaking Mimi in La bohème, will portray the deceived yet endlessly faithful Desdemona. Otello will be performed in Italian with English supertitles and will run from March 3 through March 25, 2012.

Music by Samuel Barber
Sung in English with English supertitles
Sarasota Opera Premiere
March 10, 13, 15, 18m, 21, 24
**Free pre-performance introductions 45 minutes before curtain in Felding Hall
Rounding out the 2012 Winter Season will be Samuel Barber’s Vanessa as a continuation of the new American Classics series. An opera of lyrical and intense beauty, Vanessa weaves a story of lies, secrets and evasion between an aging aunt, dreaming of love’s return, and her niece Erika, who waits for love to come. Kara Shay Thomson, who brought down the house in 2009 as Tosca, returns to sing the title role. Making their Sarasota Opera debut, rising star, mezzo-soprano Audrey Babcock, will assume the role as her niece Erika and tenor Scott Piper will sing the role of Anatol, the love interest of both women. The creative team responsible for the success of last year’s production of The Crucible will return to build Vanessa from the ground up right here in Sarasota including Scenic Designer Michael Schweikardt, Costume Designer Howard Tsvi Kaplan, Lighting Designer Ken Yunker and Wigs and Make-Up Designer Georgianna Eberhard. David Neely returns to conduct and Michael Unger returns to direct. Vanessa will be sung in English with supertitles projected above the screen and will run from March 10 through March 24, 2012.
Maestro DeRenzi’s 30th Season Gala March 25, 2012
The 2011-2012 Season marks Maestro DeRenzi’s 30th season as Artistic Director of Sarasota Opera. This monumental achievement will be celebrated with a gala celebration and concert featuring Sarasota Opera Artists, Sarasota Youth Opera and the Sarasota Opera Orchestra which will close out the 2011-2012 Season. A gala dinner will begin at 5pm in the Peterson Great Room of the Sarasota Opera House followed by Maestro’s 30th Season Concert at 7pm. Dessert and tributes will resume in the Peterson Great Room following the concert.

Based in Florida’s beautiful Gulf Coast, Sarasota Opera is approaching its 53rd consecutive season. In 1960, the company began presenting chamber-sized repertoire in the historic 320-seat Asolo Theater on the grounds of Sarasota’s Ringling Museum of Art. Recognizing the need for a theater more conducive to opera, the company purchased the former A.B. Edwards Theater in downtown Sarasota in 1979 and first performing in it in 1984 as the Sarasota Opera House. The theater has just undergone a $20-million renovation and rehabilitation enhancing audience amenities, while updating the technical facilities including increasing the size of the orchestra pit. The theater, which reopened in March 2008, has been called “one of America’s finest venues for opera” by Musical America.

Since 1983 the company has been under the artistic leadership of Victor DeRenzi. Since then the company has garnered international attention with its Masterwork Revivals Series, which presents neglected works of artistic merit, as well as the Verdi Cycle producing the complete works of Giuseppe Verdi. Recognizing the importance of training, Maestro DeRenzi founded the Apprentice Artist and Studio Artist programs. Sarasota Opera also maintains a commitment to education through its Invitation to Opera performances for local schools and the unique Sarasota Youth Opera program.
The 2011-2012 Season featured Puccini’s Madama Butterfly in the fall. The 2012 Winter Festival will include Bizet’s Carmen (opéra-comique version with spoken dialogue), Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Verdi’s Otello, and Barber’s Vanessa. Subscriptions are on sale by calling (941) 328-1300 or visiting the Sarasota Opera Box Office. Single tickets went on sale August 1st online ( and September 1st in the Box Office.
Sarasota Opera is sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Arts Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Programs are supported in part by an award the Tourist Development Tax through the Board of County Commissioners, the Tourist Development Council and the Sarasota County Arts Council. Additional funding is provided by the City of Sarasota and the County of Sarasota.

The Sarasota Opera Season continues as of February 11th,

                                                                  Paris Opera House
Besuchen Sie das Florida Orchestra!
Pictures at an Exhibition
Stefan Sanderling, conductor
From carefree and spirited to almost overwhelming, it is a night of musical impressions inspired by great art: Botticelli in Respighi’s Trittico Botticelliano, Matthias Grünewald in Hindemith’s Mathis der Maler and Victor Hartmann in Ravel’s orchestration of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.

Fri, Jan 13, 8 pm

Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Carol Morsani Hall
Sat, Jan 14, 8 pm

Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts
Mahaffey Theater
Sun, Jan 15, 7:30 pm

Ruth Eckerd Hall
Tickets: $15, $30 $45

Coffee Concerts
The Sounds of Nature
Stuart Malina, conductor
Jeffrey Multer, violin
Featuring Debussy's Clair de lune, Vivaldi's Spring from The Four Seasons, and Beethoven's Symphony No. 6, Pastorale, Stuart Malina conducts the morning Coffee Concert featuring Concertmaster Jeffery Multer, with complimentary coffee and doughnuts served before the performance.
Wed, Jan 18, 10 am
Ruth Eckerd Hall Presented by Herman Forbes Charitable Trust
Thu, Jan 19, 11 am
Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts
Mahaffey Theater
Sponsored by: Holland America Line
Doughnuts provided by: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Coffee provided by: Orange Blossom Catering
Tickets: $24, $29, $34, $42
Raymond James Pops
Music for Lovers
Steven Reineke, conductor
Mike Eldred, vocalist
Betsy Wolfe, vocalist
Celebrate a romantic night out with sizzling torch songs, beautiful ballads, luscious love themes and more by Richard Rodgers, Barry White, Cole Porter, Dolly Parton, Henry Mancini, Barry Manilow, Ennio Morricone, Barry Gordy and others.
Fri, Jan 20, 8 pm
Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Carol Morsani Hall
Sat, Jan 21, 8 pm
Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts
Mahaffey Theater
Sun, Jan 22, 7:30 pm
Ruth Eckerd Hall
Tickets: $15, $30 $45
Tampa Bay Times Masterworks
Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake Suite
Stefan Sanderling, conductor
Markus Groh, piano
Lauded by The Toronto Star as “a great pianist,” Markus Groh returns to perform Bartok’s vivacious and highly rhythmic musical roller coaster ride...Piano Concerto No. a night with Bartok’s Divertimento and the sweeping balletic themes of Tchaikovsky’s famed Swan Lake Suite.
Fri, Jan 27, 10 am
Progress Energy Morning Masterworks Series
Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts
Mahaffey Theater
Sat, Jan 28, 8 pm
Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts
Mahaffey Theater
Sun, Jan 29, 7:30 pm
Ruth Eckerd Hall
Tickets: $15, $30 $45
                                                              Paris Opera                     

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